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  • Writer's pictureMandyMarieMotive

9 Stretches For a Better Nights Sleep

For anyone that struggles with sleeping or even just looking to add some stretching in their daily routine, here are 9 stretches you should try! I try to hold each stretch for at least 60 seconds. I like to make this the last thing I do before crawling into bed so I can drift off to sleep immediately after.

1. Forward Fold

Standing with your legs straight, reach down and touch your toes. This will help stretch your back and hamstrings.

2. Upward Dog

Begin laying flat on your stomach, inhale and lift your torso while raising your hips and thighs off the floor. Helps open up your chest, stretch your abdomen, and strengthen your back.

3.Cow Pose

Start on all fours. Lift your head and neck up to the ceiling while dropping your stomach down to the mat. This stretches your back, torso, and neck.

4. Cat Pose

From cow pose, pull your stomach up towards your spine and drop your neck towards the mat. Together these poses help alleviate back pain.

5. Child's Pose

Come down to your knees and sit back on your heals with your knees out wide. This is a resting stretch that helps relax your body and reduce stress.

6. Chin To Chest

Move to a folded seating position. Keep your back straight and bring your chin to your chest. You should feel a stretch all the way down your spine starting at your neck.

7. Seated Forward Fold

Sit with your legs straight out and touch your toes. Modification to bend your arms and reach for your shins. Similar to standing fold, this helps stretch your back and hamstrings.

8. Bicycle Shoulder Stand

Lay down and lift your hips off the mat coming to bridge pose and extend your arms onto the ground. Press firmly into the ground and extend your legs up. Next move your legs in a bicycle motion. Continue moving like this. This will help with restless legs! **You can move your hands to your hips for extra support.

9. Plow Pose

From the shoulder stand, slowly move your legs over your head and rest your feet behind you. This stretches your shoulders and neck and helps get your back into alignment.


Lastly, I always end with a shavasna (laying flat on your back with arms and legs straight at your side) and like to take a few moments to focus on my breath-work. Enjoy this time to yourself and honor the space around you. Let your thoughts come and go from your mind and gently shift your attention back to your breath rising and falling when you notice your mind has wandered. When you feel ready, open your eyes and crawl into bed for a great nights sleep.

XO Mandy

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